الأحد، 7 سبتمبر 2014

You diet to increase weight of 70 to 90 kg



You diet to increase weight of 70 to 90 kg

Must follow meals every 3 hours and regularly

First meal

Eve dish egg white coffee +7 + zeros eggs +100 gm cheese of any kind +2 tablespoon peanut butter

Second meal

A can of tuna without oil + potato dish Farm Frites banana fingers +2 + cup orange juice

Third meal

Rice dish large +1/2 (chickens extend 3 days) & 4 large size bluegill fish for 3 days & for a day in the week, 3 pieces of flesh) + vegetables + green salad

Four o'clock snack

Mashed potatoes + 1 cup milk + banana fingers

Five o'clock diet

3 tablespoons oats + 2 tablespoon peanut butter + 2 egg whites Ni +2 cooked oatmeal with a spoonful of honey

(Way to prepare oats 3 tablespoons placed in a cup of water + 2 egg whites Ni are then placed on the fire for 4 minutes and then wait for it to cool for 10 minutes then add 2 tablespoons peanut butter and then hit all in a blender to get the highest value protein, vitamin and carbohydrate from this meal)

Diet sixth

2 French fries + hamburger 3 pieces + cups milk RIPE +50 gm cheese Quraish

السبت، 23 أغسطس 2014

Benefits of chicken breast and oats for bodybuilders


Build muscle.
Chicken is considered one of the best sources of dietary protein, which contains 100 grams of it every 25 grams of protein, making it especially useful for children, and those who follow a training program to build objects. Also contains a chicken on zinc, which helps regulate appetite.
Bone health.
Chicken contains nutrients such as phosphorus and a little calcium, both of which are beneficial for bone health, as well as chicken contains selenium, which reduces the risk of arthritis.
Stress relieving stress.

Characterized as containing two chicken Ghazaan diets significantly reduced tension, the two tryptophan and vitamin B-5. For these two elements calming effect reduces tension.
Reduces symptoms of PMS for women
Magnesium helps in the chicken to soothe the symptoms of PMS and alleviate mood swings.

Altostestrun hormone.

Because it is rich in zinc, over eating chicken body's production of the hormone Altostestrun which enhances fertility in men

Fat and cooking.
Each containing 28 grams of chicken breast on just one gram of fat, each containing 28 grams of the thighs on the Grameen fat. It is advisable to eat chicken breasts when trying to adjust the weight.

Oats and bodybuilding


Oatmeal is an excellent source of carbohydrates and some essential vitamins example, biotin, folic acid, thiamine, and vitamin E, as well as iron and zinc, as it lowers cholesterol in the blood, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, and studies have shown that oats contain chemical plant reduces the risk of cancer

Oatmeal can eat breakfast or dinner or as a snack center of the dish per day because it contains 17 grams protein, 7 grams fat,

الأربعاء، 20 أغسطس 2014

how to diet for bodybuilding

 how to diet for bodybuilding 

the bulking up a body builder diet you, re a bodybuilding or looking to become a bodybuilder's diet is crucial to your training lifting weight and squat in your body will go nowhere if you don, t follow a bodybuilding diet which provides the body with the energy necessary to develop strong muscles as a bodybuilder, youre going to be trying to increase
your muscle, which also means increasing your weight to do this you need to eat more weight loss emphasizes limiting your caloric are bodybuilders a lot of energy and calories are burned in the germ that, so it, s necessary to replenish your body by eating healthy and in a way to increase your muscle mass as with any diet focus on healthy living but especially with
the bodybuilders tired you should stay away from fatty foods, especially the process kind most overly salty or very sweet processed foods will contain pat, so they do nothing bad and they can be found in most fast foods they can, it burned away through exercise they sit near body and too much trans fat in your system can lead to heart disease and obesity this rule
number one is to stay away from bad foods and fast food an other necessity in a bodybuilding diet higher intake a pro team lean meats can help build muscle mass which is what a bodybuilder on site design, t mean that you should cut out the cards you will need carbohydrates especially complex carbohydrates to fuel your body, so exercise and wait left
Him, however you should try to consume more protein and carbohydrates as a general rule of thumb before you do a long exercise or lift a bunch of sets you should try to consume a small snack a complex carbohydrates to give you the energy to get through your routine oftentimes those who skipped the snack will feel dizzy or weak as their blood pressure drops
dramatically the carbohydrates are good in this instance because they give you that boosted energy needed to get through your exercise routine without feeling faint or week after you exercise should try eating a balanced meal an hour, two or hour and half for finishing your routine, you should be sure to include an inefficient protein a protein during this after workout meal eating within this time frame allows your body to build back muscles, youre just tested faster and better
http://atifhameed.hubpages.com/hub/ A-bodybuilders-diet-plan-is-crucial-to-a-bodybuilders-success

الأحد، 17 أغسطس 2014

bodybuilding diet|Know your body and what is in need of supplementation

 bodybuilding diet|Know your body and what is in need of supplementation


A lot too, to see that player Jay asks me, you got us-I protein, but Mzotdsh weigh one kilo and Tani ask me, I am you got Sirius Diamonds and drive in fat and Talali paunch. Here are the drawback of the player and not a supplement. Here, everything will be explained in this thread
That was the height 170 cm and a height of 55 to 60 kg then you very slim and you need to dietary supplement contains a high calorie and high fat and contains all the nutrients for the establishment phase of muscle and these supplements are (Sirius Mas_trohmes_masl Jus_sober Diamond Jenner) and of course the beside the food that must be Ajtoa high in calories and fat.

The height was 170 cm color from 65-70 k and your weight Harmonic something with your height and this of course due to the severity of your body and shape. But at this stage may be your body's disease by building here and need circumscription to increase muscle but here distinguish between the body and the other middle

There are objects retain very high in fat and calories Here, you must use a complementary average calorie and fat, so we can burn it and turn it into muscle fibers with ease and do not even Taatkhozn fat in the body and turn into Atralat or paunch and supplements that possible, we use during this period is (UL Veugn_natrotk_way Brocan_) and these supplements the proportion of the fat 1 gram to 3 grams, and this ratio is excellent for Hza Almrgelh that you are looking at myohypertrophia net.

Even if your body does not keep fat and calories never lose it quickly and awesome Here must Alaatmadj to supplement high in fat and protein and also must continue it until Awazzn access to appropriate and an example of these supplements (Brokompelx Jaynr_santha 6) and other supplements.

And the height was 170 cm and your weight from 75-80 k and want to complement a huge muscular P also you can rely on supplementing medium fat and calories that I mentioned before.

Though my weight over the 80-K and search for slimming or blotting Here, you must use a dietary supplement contains no calories or fat and protein have Aizulat chances are. Here CMOS has a huge role to maintain the gained and Bimnha of demolition and helps in weight lifting and muscular, but not Ether. vho primary role to maintain the muscle. An example of supplements (ISO 100_aazo Bjør_blatinoam Aizulat)

Of course, at this stage, your diet is low in calories and fat and high protein Jaddaaaaa and possible Tgae to burning fat in this period.

السبت، 16 أغسطس 2014

Food not favored heroes amplify muscle after training

Food not favored heroes amplify muscle after training

Good training in the gym does not mean you are beyond roam on all kinds of foods without regard to the quality of these foods and use them to the maximum degree, and specifically does not mean going to the candy and fat and fast food, if you're serious about weight loss and inflate the muscles and strengthen you need to adjust this subject, you have to learn very well that after the training is the most important time when the thickness to certain elements of the food, and that there are four common types of foods it away completely after training.

Food that contains fat Did you know that fat as we mentioned before slows the digestive process, which is the opposite of what you need just after the training process, they slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and protein, which should be up to the muscle in this particular time, is that which enhances muscle repair, nutrition and amplifying fiber muscle and also LOSS weight

اSalted meals Meals salted light such as french fries and salted biscuits reduced levels of potassium, and potassium important to you after the training of sodium (the importance of potassium click here) It helps the body to regulate fluid balance and reduce muscle contraction and nerve conduction, good, and the body loses a lot of these types during training and this meal inspecting so after training and it is very dangerous.

Meals and high sugar juices Raise the levels of sugar in the blood increases the proportion of insulin dreaded in the blood, which is what confuses a lot digestion process lifting the rapid blood sugar levels, which causes a lot of health problems and the lack of weight loss, The offer light you get dizzy after training and when you wake up in the morning the next day, it is  important to get the best and some carbohydrates to replenish glycogen, who took advantage during the training process, tries to get the carbohydrates of the material where there is a natural sugar and mild, such as fruits, which owns a minimum of fat.

Vegetables When you hear a word you say is always advised to vegetables to lose weight and strengthen muscles and amplify muscle, but after the training session is not advised to do just that, Valkhaddroat contain a minimum of calories, it is useful to strengthen the muscles that need more protein to compensate for losses during the training process. , you can eat a lot of vegetables, but not after training...

الجمعة، 15 أغسطس 2014

19 strongest element diet for bodybuilding



 1egg white: The value of food containing protein, vitamins, and cholesterol and good fats to increase the secretion of the hormone testosterone naturally, prefer to avoid eating egg yolks because almost disadvantages may be greater than the benefits, especially in increasing the proportion of bad cholesterol in the blood.

 2fish oil: Maintains the safety and health of the heart, it protects against hardening of the arteries and reduce the proportion of triglycerides and bad cholesterol in the blood and helps to sag blood vessels and reduce the chance of blood clotting where, and helps fish oil also raise the body's immunity and increase growth and strengthen the muscles of the body to help him clear in increased secretion of the hormone testosterone and protects against many diseases.

 3fish and seafood: The fish and seafood from excellent sources of protein and food low in fat, which is also rich in minerals necessary for the body, such as iodine and fats, Omega, which studies have shown that it protects against heart disease, are advised to eat fish or seafood at least once a week for ordinary people and almost daily for practitioners Sport Building muscle, especially salmon or tuna.

 4berries: Powerful antioxidants that prevent cancer, heart disease and eye disease, any kind of berries, cranberry or ordinary fresh or frozen, preferably mixed with oats

-5dairy and low-fat cheeses: Including Yogurt, milk and especially Yogurt, which regulates and improves digestion and milk, which contains natural nutrients and huge metal also helps in the process of building muscle and the Great, preferably mixed with flax seeds.

 6flax seeds: Source of protein, fiber, omega-3, grind flax seeds to get the most out of them, taken with 1 tablespoon yogurt and berries before going to bed, stay away from flax oil is an unstable and do not contain any of the fiber.

 7Natural Olive Oil: Which contains approximately 70% of unsaturated fats, which protect against heart disease and cancer, favors add a tablespoon of it with the authorities prepared to contain polyphenols.

 8Nuts blended: Contain monounsaturated fat and protein and fiber rich and important, and vitamin E, zinc, potassium, magnesium, etc., Valmaxrat blended to contain calories and enormous energy, and if you are a slim man wants to increase the weight they are an ideal solution provided that they do not have a toaster and be demilitarized salts.

  9red meat: They contain protein, vitamin B12, iron, zinc, creatine, Carnosine and even omega-3, steaks, steak fat-free and demilitarized completely cut off from the loin area Alsdro.

 10Broccoli: Forces and enough in the fight against cancer contain phytochemicals anti-estrogenic idols found in broccoli are high in soluble fiber and low calories, which helps in fat loss, and preferably eat some other vegetables, which are almost the same work for change: cabbage, bok Choy, lettuce, turnip

. 11spinach: Contains many nutrients beneficial to public health, such as iron, calcium, Amoanseyoum, manganese, as well as vitamin A, B, C and beta-carotene, folic acid, and also contains the amino acid histidine, and many of the nutrients that play an important role for antioxidants, and some benefits working to reduce the proportion of  fat and cholesterol in the blood, help heal wounds in a very short time, you build the body's tissues, keeps the cells its image of natural and prevented from turning into cancer cells and that they contain a high proportion of the amino acid histidine, reduce muscle atrophy and osteoporosis, at what we are primarily interested.

 12issued turkey: And chicken breast in general contains a protein mushy free from fat, a protein with high quality helps maintain muscle mass and supports the metabolism, according to Friedman, moved away from the skin of turkey meat and meat ever dark color since they include large amounts of fat and calories.

. oats13
Works to reduce the proportion of bad cholesterol in the blood, and Hugny carbohydrate-low-power, and a high proportion of soluble fiber, which helps to improve and streamline the process of digestion and filling hungry sometimes, and helps Faih minded and resistant depression he enters in the components of atypical antipsychotic drugs for the nerves.

 14Citrus: Especially oranges and grapefruit, the most important foods that provide the body with vitamin C and magnesium, an understanding of the unique fruits that contain antioxidants and are an active and important role in helping to burn stored fat and get rid of the fluid trapped.

. 15tomatoes and carrots: In fresh tomatoes piety blood component containing lycopene, which resists the cancer cells, and the islands known as strengthening eyesight and increases focus and also contains a high proportion of calories and useful fiber.

. 16water: It is the most important element of diet to build muscle, it protects against the body from dehydration and muscle atrophy and helps accelerate healing and also has an important role and effective in getting rid of materials and toxic fluids trapped in the body and replaced fluids pure, prefer to drink at least 3 liters of water for bodybuilders.

 17Green Apple: Very ideal for weight loss and fat burning, especially apple peel as it contains elements of anti-oxidant and Baktien which helps to get rid of fluid trapped and replaced and accelerates the process of satiety.

. 18green tea: Countless benefits, it is a diuretic, protects against many diseases, antioxidants are abundantly available within it, a natural fat burner, there was an appetite suppressant, preferably eaten martin daily after meals basic food two hours.

. 19potatoes: And do not forget boiled potatoes filled with carbohydrates and energy needed to build muscle out and they contain fiber and unsaturated fats are very beneficial to the health and safety of muscle growth.

الخميس، 14 أغسطس 2014

5 Mistakes to bodybuilder

5 Mistakes to bodybuilder


So you build muscle, you need to 3 key factors (1-train 2-feeding 3 comfort or sleep), and these factors are closest facilities, where it is without them there can build muscles, but will waste your time and effort without interest, I do not know why, but I find many people are trained, for example, a daily non-stop, and after two or three encounters wondering: Why did not improve my game even though I've been practicing well and I feed?
And then find that exercising without taking a day or two weeks rest, but not some of them do not sleep is 5 hours per day, and thus certainly not going to get any desired result, because you Okhallt the terms of these three sports.
For general information: the day on which to rest after they have been trained is the day in which your body builds muscle larger, and at bedtime also the amount of growth hormone will be bigger and therefore it is to build muscle and increase muscle mass.

2 Exercise overload Exercise extra per day leads to increased cortisol and the hormone (if more than alone), many of the risks and it also helps to collect body fat, so the player must bodybuilding not overdo the exercise because the effect may be the reverse may burn muscle instead of adopted so that care should be taken from this point.

3 eat what you want! I found some people eat what they desire, whether it is to eat healthy or unhealthy in large quantities under the pretext that they are engaged in bodybuilding, it is true that this sport burns many calories, but this does not mean that you eat whatever you want it increases the
The proportion of fat may delay muscle growth and rebuilt, so if you want a beautiful and graceful body must take notice of what you eat, some foods contain many calories and carbohydrates harmful (there are useful carbohydrates), so you must make sure that what you eat, if you want to get the best results.

4 malnutrition: - Unlike the previous case, you will find some people do not eat enough of their body, for example, requires players exert bodybuilding to grams of protein per kilogram their weight, find some people in the whole day does not deal with a quarter of this amount of protein, so  it will not improve his body will not build muscle and that because of that body wants to build muscle, but it does not have the resources to build it! May be forced to demolish rather than construction if nutrition is very bad, so it must be very cautious from this point, where experts say that the nutritional importance of not less than the exercise they complement each other.

5. limited number of meals per day: - There is a class of people find they eat healthy, eat the right amount for their body, but, for example, eat only 3 meals a day and every meal is the amount of food is great, and this is wrong, it is preferable that divides those same quantities that you will eat for 3 meals for 5-6  meals and eat meal at a rate of medium (not great) every 3 hours ago, and this greatly helps in stimulating the metabolism metabolism which helps burn fat dramatically

Lose 1kg 2lbs per Day! Diet Tips